b. February 9, 2024
Evergreen State Shilohs | Washington State
single white plush girl

Miss Hanna is in her new forever home.

Nova and little Miss Hanna


Ghost Weiner of Fair Winds
aka Ghost
b. June 8, 2019 | white plush
sire: Miracle’s Cherry Crooner
dam: Fair Winds Zephyr Madison CGC
height/weight: 28″ 108lbs
hips: PH L 0.24 R 0.23, no OA Rpt #185190
elbows: OFA Normal SLH-EL972M44-C-VPI
heart: holter (0,0,0) 7M; and,
OFA Normal SLH-BCA77/44M/P-VPI
thyroid: T4 11 ug/L, normal, MI State, 3/2023
TLI: 16.0 ug/L, normal, IDEXX 3/2023
dm: DM Normal, UCD NCD215415
DNA NCD215415 (P2)


Evergreen’s Super Nova v SHS
aka Nova
b. August 27, 2021 | white plush
sire: Fionn Inish of Solace
dam: Bearpaw’s Natasha Fatale
height/weight: 27.75″ 81.5lbs
hips: OFA Good SLH-1238G24F-C-VPI
heart: holter (4,0,0) 11M; and
OFA Normal SLH-BCA95/24F/S-VPI
DM DM Normal UCD TSS665
TSS665 (P2)

Lindsay Hughes, Evergreen State Shilohs
fb: www.facebook.com/theevergreenstateshilohs
509) 969-9518